I want to let everyone know that there is MotoMail. The website is www.motomail.us. Register and account if you wish to send free letters to Patrick while he is in Iraq. The letters are printed out and hand delivered to the guys. ***When you are registering the account, you will need to search Patrick's squadron. 42070-HMLA 369*** I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO USE THIS AND SEND PATRICK MAIL!!! :)
***Here is the site to check out the pictures from the guys in Maine.http://ourstopinmaine.smugmug.com. He is in the November 2008 album on the pictures of Patrick are on the following pages: 14
I talked to Patrick this morning and he is in Iraq. He said that it's a strange country and that on the base there they have a nice chow hall and exchange. He won't start working for a few days so they are just hanging out in the mean time. If you want to send Patrick care packages here is the address:
1st Lt. Patrick W Richardson
HMLA 369
Unit 42070
FPO AP 96426-2070
*****www.USPS.com**** Please check out this website and order the proper boxes to send Patrick packages. If you use your own boxes you will be charged ALOT of money to send stuff. If you call 

and ask for the military package (this is what I did, and it only takes a few mins.) they will send you 6 priority boxes, 6 mailing labels, 6 US custom forms, 1 roll of Tape. These supplies will be shipped to your house for FREE! Also, if you want to send him large packages, on the USPS website order the large FPO/APO flat rate box. You can put up to 70 lbs in this box and the flat rate is only $10.95. I must add that you cannot send him alcohol, obscene material, and pork products.
If any of you do not have my email it is: jamiemrichardson@gmail.com. (don't forget the "m") *PLEASE PLEASE write me if you have any questions about mail or if you want to say hi. This is such a tough time for us and I would love to hear from all of you. Please keep us in your prayers.
This blog is for anyone that is interested in looking at it. If you know anyone that would like updates on Alex or Patricks deployment and to check out pictures of our family, please give them the blog address: alexjrich.blogspot.com.