HMLA 369 celebrated the USMC Birthday on Thursday at Harrah's Casino and we had the best time. Its so crazy to sit through the hour long ceremony every year and still have chills the entire time. You can't help but tear up/cry like a baby out of pride, happiness, fear of being lonely again soon, friendship, love. A room full of 300+ men & women who are heros plus their loved ones celebrating the few and the proud, the HOTTEST...The Marines.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Marines!!!
HMLA 369 celebrated the USMC Birthday on Thursday at Harrah's Casino and we had the best time. Its so crazy to sit through the hour long ceremony every year and still have chills the entire time. You can't help but tear up/cry like a baby out of pride, happiness, fear of being lonely again soon, friendship, love. A room full of 300+ men & women who are heros plus their loved ones celebrating the few and the proud, the HOTTEST...The Marines.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
First full week complete
We did it...Alex and I made it through our first full week of work and daycare. I can't say enough about Mabel and Thomas making the transition so easy for me. I am so thankful I found them 20 hours before I started my new job. I am loving my new job and feel like I didn't miss a day let alone 2 years and got right back in the swing of things. Our mornings are pretty rough because Alex cries all the way down the street then screams bloody murder as I say goodbye and run out the door. Mabel says that Alex stops almost instantly and has a great time all day. I love seeing that smile at 5:15 everyday. Enjoy some pictures of Alex at daycare.

Friday, August 21, 2009
You are looking at (well the blog of) the new HR Specialist of Recruitment and Training for TERI, Inc in Oceanside, CA!!!!
TERI (Training, Education & Research Institute) is a private, non-profit agency serving the needs of children and adults with autism and other developmental and learning disabilities, and their families. Through programs that enrich our clients lives and focus on the potential in all of us, we are able to provide families with supports throughout their child's lifespan.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
RIP Julie Vernars
Decisions Decisions Decisions
I have been looking for the "perfect" job since before Alex was born thinking I was going to go back to work when he was 6 months or so. Well 18 months later still no job....every time I got close to taking a job I would feel so bad about leaving Alex and missing things I decided to stay home. Well the time has come and I am ready! I am waiting to hear back from a job that sounds great really close to home....but to take it or not, I am afraid I am gonna get that guilty feeling because I am leaving him for selfish reasons and not because I have to.
On top of the guilt, I have to find a daycare or preschool that I like...haha ya right...Alex and I are on our own schedule which is no schedule, and the boy is addicted to his "ba." I kind of feel bad for whoever is going to try and get this boy on a napping and bottle schedule. I have been to a few preschool type daycare and they are teaching 18 month olds algebra, well not really but almost. I want Alex to stay a baby for a while, so if I do get and take this job he will be going to a home daycare.
Can you tell I am having a hard time?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Before Patrick got home I worked hard to make sure Alex remembered him and knew that he was "Da." SUCCESS, every time we pointed to a picture of Patrick Alex would scream "Da." Lately we get a full "Daddy," all the grandparents are "Pa," Every toy and tv show has a name but nothing for me **tear**
Well we all are aware of my child's addiction to Milk and his cup we call "ba" so for a few months we have had to listen to "ba ba ba ba ba ba!" Don't get me wrong its awesome to hear Alex talk but when mixed with a whine its can make for a long day. About a month ago when looking at pictures on the computer he kept saying "Ba" when I was in the picture, next he said "Boon" when he saw the moon and his response to what does a cow say, "boo." Hey I think I am Ba, sweet I have a name =) This week I have graduated to a full "bobby," some might say oh no poor Alex has a speech impediment but don't worry when he wants something (his cup) bad enough he says "Mama baba." I love walking in the door and hearing "HI BOBBY", melts my heart.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Home Improvements
We decided not to buy a house in Cali and we were sick of our stark white house sooooo we got to Lowes at 10am yesterday, left with some green paint, got a little lazy and only painted two walls by 2pm but WA-LA it feels 100 times more comfortable and much more like "our" home. Next step new living room tables....

And one of my big helper
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Congrats Congrats Congrats
Lots of Congratulations are in order these days; Babies, Engagements and Mommies to Be, my friends have had a great few weeks!!!!!

Introducing some super cute babies:
Tait Douglas Bjerke and Family
Ava Ann Thomas and Family

Soon to be Parents:
Tyler and Nancy

We have friends expecting triplets at the end of 2009 but they have not told anyone but close friends and family...Congrats to you two too!!!!
LOTS of LOVE from the Richardson's
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Patrick, Kevin and Dave were selected/volunteered to do a 4th of July fly over from Huntington Beach down to Oceanside beach. A few of us decided to go to a look out point off of "THE 5" to watch them since all the beaches near us were shoulder to shoulder with people. It was nice to see them flying in the good old USA!!!
Coming from Huntington beach
Dave is in the 3rd, Kevin and Patrick are 4th
Heading to Oceanside Beach
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Our Hero is Home
After 7 long months, the day we had talked and dreamt about was finally here. I swore I wouldn't believe it until I had Patrick in my arms, but as soon as I saw those buses I couldn't stop the tears.

Not only was my family complete but I loved watching my friends reunited with theirs, I still cry every time I look at everyone's pictures from that night.
The carpets were cleaned, Alex got a hair cut, we had our last girls dinner at Souplantation, then got the squadron around 8:15 to begin the waiting game. After 2 bottles of Champagne and 2 hours of waiting 5 USMC buses pulled into the Air Station around 10:15 pm on May 26th. The gunfighters got off the buses and into formation behind them, it felt like an episode of Extreme Home Makeover...MOVE THAT BUS! As the buses pulled away the screams, tears and laughter began as 300+ Marines were reunited with their families and friends.
Last girls dinner
New Squadron Building

The boys picture
Some of the ladies waiting

My Handsome little man was excited to see Daddy
Some of the Chuck wives
Here come the buses

When my whole body started shaking

Finally being let go

The rest of the night was amazing and perfect, I got my kiss but seeing Alex and P together was the most relaxing, fulfilling moment!

On a chair trying to get Patrick's attention
Not wanting to let go
Pocket Pals

Not only was my family complete but I loved watching my friends reunited with theirs, I still cry every time I look at everyone's pictures from that night.
Congrats Gunfighters Gals we made it and I thank you for all the fun times we had while they were gone.
Brianna & Chrissy...there are no words!
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