After Christmas, Alex and I headed to Richmond for the rest of our Vacation. Its so fun to watch Alex and Lillie play together and picture what it will be like in the next few years when they are big enough to talk and really play. So fun!

I got to go out for New Years with India and her crew which was AWESOME. It was nice to let loose and enjoy a night out with adults =)

The part of the trip I had been dreading since I got there was the day Brandon was leaving for his workups and Iraq. I broke my heart to watch another member of my family say goodbye to everyone and I relived November 2nd all over again. I am so glad Alex got to spend some QT with Brandon before he left.

Luckily that same day I got to see two of my favorite people in the world Matt-e and THE Weinstein (and their wonderful girlfriends).
My other boyfriends

Alex's future Basketball coach...Matt-e

Alex, Evan and Brandon

Lindsey and Betsy

The rest of the time was spent watching the kids play, Alex take the ornaments off the tree, eating yummy food and one last night on the town with the girls!
TV and Christmas trees...his favorites

Cousins at bathtime

treat time with Grandma

Watching Daddy on the computer

Fighting for Grandpa's affection

Love Hate relationship with Tickle me Elmo

Getting smart watching Wheel of Fortune

The morning we were leaving I woke up with a terrible head cold but luckily Mom called from her cruise and told me where she kept her medicine now. It was a rough flight home for me but Alex slept every minute of the flight....THANK GOODNESS