The carpets were cleaned, Alex got a hair cut, we had our last girls dinner at Souplantation, then got the squadron around 8:15 to begin the waiting game. After 2 bottles of Champagne and 2 hours of waiting 5 USMC buses pulled into the Air Station around 10:15 pm on May 26th. The gunfighters got off the buses and into formation behind them, it felt like an episode of Extreme Home Makeover...MOVE THAT BUS! As the buses pulled away the screams, tears and laughter began as 300+ Marines were reunited with their families and friends.
Last girls dinner
New Squadron Building

The boys picture
Some of the ladies waiting

My Handsome little man was excited to see Daddy
Some of the Chuck wives
Here come the buses

When my whole body started shaking

Finally being let go

The rest of the night was amazing and perfect, I got my kiss but seeing Alex and P together was the most relaxing, fulfilling moment!

On a chair trying to get Patrick's attention
Not wanting to let go
Pocket Pals

Not only was my family complete but I loved watching my friends reunited with theirs, I still cry every time I look at everyone's pictures from that night.
Congrats Gunfighters Gals we made it and I thank you for all the fun times we had while they were gone.
Brianna & Chrissy...there are no words!